Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My New Idol !!!

I wanted to dig a hole to hide after reading this article. Remember the face below, remember this person, and you got to read this article completely, then you will know why...

Here is some highlight of the article:

Her path to financial success is an accelerated one. Within seven short years, Prudence Wong, group brand manager turned property investor turned property developer-cum-entrepreneur

So your investment journey is about seven years so far?

Yes, about there. I am still an investor. Every year I make sure that I buy, but not every month. Last time I used to buy every month.

How did you find the time and energy to do all that?!

I did full-time! I have the passion to do all of these things.

Why did you select these areas?

When I was a marketing executive for a telecommunications company, I was seconded to Shah Alam and at that time, this area (Shah Alam) just started (to develop). I also stayed in Shah Alam for about six years. So I know Shah Alam pretty well.

For details of this article, please view here

You may also view her profile here


  1. Unfortunately she's married. I want to become her apprentice.....can ah
